Problem solvng

Responding to participant crises and emergencies

Our agency develops its goals for our participants by collaborating with them, parents, guardians, and service providers in shared decision-making and problem-solving that will result in a productive and inspiring environment. These goals will be accomplished through an alliance with individuals, their advocates, professionals, and Agency Administrators. By working together, we believe the individual will …

Responding to participant crises and emergencies Read More »

TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury 1915(c) Medicaid waiver program)

The TBI waiver program is a home and community-based program that helps New York´s Medicaid-eligible individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury (HCBS/TBI). One component of a comprehensive strategy developed by the NYS Department of Health to prevent unnecessary entrances into nursing homes and to help individuals leave nursing homes to live in the community

Securing initial and annual level of care assessments

A Regional Resource Development Specialist (RRDS) educates the individual about the waiver program, helps the applicant select a service coordinator, and approves all service plans. A service coordinator compiles all documentation needed to establish eligibility, and in conjunction with the individual develops a Service Plan which describes his/her interests, strengths, and goals.

Facilitating the Initial Service Plan (ISP) and waiver program eligibility

A Regional Resource Development Specialist (RRDS) educates the individual about the waiver program, helps the applicant select a service coordinator, and approves all service plans. A service coordinator compiles all documentation needed to establish eligibility, and in conjunction with the individual develops a Service Plan which describes his/her interests, strengths, and goals.

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